Bandits target a gold miner and his granddaughter in 19th century South Africa. Robert Gunnar is the bandit with a heart of gold, who is after Price's cache of gold, but falls in love with Diana Ivarson, who has hair of gold (bleach).
Movie details The Jackals
Release : 1967-01-01Genre : Action, Drama, Musical, Romance, Family
Runtime : 96 minutes
Company :
Vincent Price | as | Oupa Decker | |
Diana Ivarson | as | Wilhemina Adelaide 'Willie' Decker | |
Robert Gunner | as | Roger 'Stretch' Hawkins | |
Bob Courtney | as | Dandy | |
Patrick Mynhardt | as | Gotz |
Search Result : The Jackal - Filme & TV
Korean Movie DVD, JYJ : KIM JAEJOONG - Code Name : Jackal 1disc(Region code : 3)[002kr] ~ Kim Jae Joong (JYJ) (Actor) | Song Ji Hyo (Actor) | Oh Dal Soo (DVD - 2013 ...
Korean Movie DVD, JYJ : KIM JAEJOONG - Code Name : Jackal 1disc(Region code : 3)[002kr] ~ Kim Jae Joong (JYJ) (Actor) | Song Ji Hyo (Actor) | Oh Dal Soo (DVD - 2013 ...
Der Schakal (1997) Wikipedia
Die Neuverfilmung des Klassikers The Day of the Jackal entstand 1997 unter der Regie von Michael Caton-Jones. Der Original-Regisseur Fred Zinnemann, ...
Die Neuverfilmung des Klassikers The Day of the Jackal entstand 1997 unter der Regie von Michael Caton-Jones. Der Original-Regisseur Fred Zinnemann, ...
The Jackals (1967) - IMDb
Directed by Robert D. Webb. With Vincent Price, Diana Ivarson, Robert Gunner, Bob Courtney. Bandits target a gold miner and his granddaughter in 19th century South ...
Directed by Robert D. Webb. With Vincent Price, Diana Ivarson, Robert Gunner, Bob Courtney. Bandits target a gold miner and his granddaughter in 19th century South ...
The Jackals | Blues with Bite!!!
Newly REFORMED with a new improved line up. The Jackals are a Sussex & London based Blues and R&B band. Steve has recently reformed the band under a different line up ...
Newly REFORMED with a new improved line up. The Jackals are a Sussex & London based Blues and R&B band. Steve has recently reformed the band under a different line up ... the jackal soundtrack
"the jackal soundtrack" 1-16 von 41 Ergebnissen. Whlen Sie zum Sortieren eine : Kategorie : Whlen Sie zum Sortieren eine Kategorie. 1.
"the jackal soundtrack" 1-16 von 41 Ergebnissen. Whlen Sie zum Sortieren eine : Kategorie : Whlen Sie zum Sortieren eine Kategorie. 1.
The Gone Jackals Wikipedia
The Gone Jackals sind eine Hard-Rock -Band aus San Francisco , Kalifornien . Sie erreichten einen relativ hohen Bekanntheitsgrad, als sie Teile des Soundtracks fr ...
The Gone Jackals sind eine Hard-Rock -Band aus San Francisco , Kalifornien . Sie erreichten einen relativ hohen Bekanntheitsgrad, als sie Teile des Soundtracks fr ...
THE JACKALS | Facebook
THE JACKALS. 97 likes. Six piece ska delights and heavy indie style rock.
THE JACKALS. 97 likes. Six piece ska delights and heavy indie style rock.
The Jackals | Facebook
The Jackals. 46 likes. Kevin Gerity - Drums David Waldeck - Guitar Sam DeGaetano - Bass John Mummey - Vocals
The Jackals. 46 likes. Kevin Gerity - Drums David Waldeck - Guitar Sam DeGaetano - Bass John Mummey - Vocals
Jackal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although the word jackal has often been used historically to refer to many small- to medium-sized species of the wolf genus of mammals, Canis, today it most properly ...
Although the word jackal has often been used historically to refer to many small- to medium-sized species of the wolf genus of mammals, Canis, today it most properly ...
The Jackal (1997) - IMDb
Directed by Michael Caton-Jones. With Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, Sidney Poitier, Diane Venora. An imprisoned IRA sniper is freed to help stop a brutal, seemingly ...
Directed by Michael Caton-Jones. With Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, Sidney Poitier, Diane Venora. An imprisoned IRA sniper is freed to help stop a brutal, seemingly ...
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